Thursday, April 14, 2011
Me around The Money and The Money around Me
At the times of max frustration while sitting at a restaurant for lunch yesterday noon, I looked at the happy faces around me, just like a new born baby sees the world with wondered eyes. I was surprised to see that people irrespective of the job,salary and position were just happy with what they were doing.
Part of the change was also that I thought of turning to be religious.Emptiness in mind may allow negative thoughts to come to you. Its not just the cliche of the positive energy im talking about.But belief in something gives you a purpose and peace of mind.
From many scattered and variety of feelings in my mind, I have managed to put them in to above words. Its been hard to remove the ego which does not let me believe the right things and made me rude and insensitive at times.
Now I have found an organization I dreamt of for settling down at Ahmedabad. Will now work with them with dedication and wait for the religious part of me to take over the atheist in me.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Dusk After First Rain-Ahmedabad
Sunday, March 21, 2010
What Is Love?
Below lyrics from movie Taal beautifully describes love as finding god in your soul-mate. The lyricist says that
"Is Love Your Soul-Mate?" or
"Is love actually “GOD” itself?
Ye ishq hai kya ye kisko pata
Ye dard hai ya dardon ki dava
Ye koi sanam ya aap khuda
Ye koi sanam ya aap khuda

Also, song of movie Rabne bana di Jodi goes “tujhme rab dikhta hai”(I see god in you).So , possibly finding that god,if it exists, in your soul-mate could be called love.what you say?
Love, being most talked about subject in any literature or any culture of this entire world, has, in general sense, and lost its value as its pristine beauty has been pulverized by factors which teaches humans how to love. In the race of Logic and Love, the Logic generally wins and which usually creates trouble. Logic keeps many restrictions on the direction shown by heart.

Falling in love with someone of opposite gender is always a easy task, as its nature’s law. But it becomes more intricate while selecting the soul-mate because of interruption of Logic when Love wants to take over. Many times you would have found someone with whom you feel as if you are with yourself or with your second-soul. At that time, you do not keep track of time, money or other higher priority elements for which you would have cared for in otherwise case.But, if you were asked to choose him/her as a life partner you would start thinking of hundreds or thousands of questions and ruminate over issues like your future, beauty, education, height, size shape and color , richness and lots of such other stuffs. And then, that person would fail to satisfy one or more criteria listed above . This is the point, where you were told to take decision, suddenly the Logic part took over.Here I would like to quote a dialoge from movie jab we met, kareena says :“ life ko itna seriously le kar tumhe kya mila , tum bhi to meri tarha mushkil me pad gaye”.If the decision making was done by Love part then you would have been absolutely correct in your decision.
If we leave reproduction and carnal pleasures from consideration for some time, then one could live her/her entire life happily with a person of same gender. But, as reproduction is necessary for our family tree we have to narrow it down to one less gender!!
Post will continue as i get more thoughts . you may keep adding your perspective at the same time...byee.
image source: flickr user najy :
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Kasumbi No Rang
History: Kasumbi, an orange colored flower, was used to make color to die the clothes of women. The uniqueness of this Kasumbi was that, cloth colored with Kasumbi ones can never be died with any other color by any means. Such quality of a flower was used metaphorically to reflect the core values or culture of that times and the impression made on heart of the writer.
મારી જનનિ ના હૈયામાં પોઢન્તા પોઢન્તા પીધો કસુંમ્બિ નો રંગ,
માંના ધોડા ધાવણ કેરી ધારાએ ધારાએ પામ્યો કસુંમ્બિ નો રંગ્ણ.
હો રાજ મને લાગ્યો કસુંમ્બિ નો રંગ...
મારી બેહેનીના કન્ઠે નીંતર્તા હાલર્ડામા પીધો કસુંમ્બિ નો રંગ,
પન ભીશણ રાત્રિ કેરા પહડોની તરાડોએ તોડ્યો કસુંમ્બિ નો રંગ.
હો રાજ મને લાગ્યો કસુંમ્બિ નો રંગ...
મારી વહાલી દીલદારાની પગની પાની પરથી ચુમ્યો કસુંમ્બિ નો રંગ
ભગ્તોના તંમ્બુર્થી ટપ્ક્યો મસ્તી ભર ચાખ્યો કસુંમ્બિ નો રંગ
હો રાજ મને લાગ્યો કસુંમ્બિ નો રંગ...
- ઝવેરચન્દ મેઘાની
This video describes the meaning of poem with a touch of regional language and a very beautiful narration by Shri Manubhai Gadhvi.
Friday, January 8, 2010
Favorite Gujarati Poem-ભુલવા મને કહો છો
ભુલવા મને કહો છો, સ્મરણો ને ભુલયે ક્યાંથી.
કોઇ પ્રેમી જનો ને પુછો પ્રેમી ને ભુલયે ક્યાંથી.
સીતા રામના નયનમાં કાજળ બની બેઠું,
દીલથી કે દ્રષટીએથી સીતા ને ભુલયે ક્યાંથી.
સુણી વાંસડી મધુરી ઘેલી બની ને આવે,
કહો ક્રુષ્ણ ના હ્દયની રાધા ને ભુલાયે ક્યાંથી.
ચાતક(*) બની ને બેઠું વરસા ની રાહ જોતું,
સાગર જળે ભર્યા છે સીંધુ જળે ભર્યા છે,
બીંદુ ને ભુલાયે ક્યાંથી?
*ચાતક એક ખાસ પ્રકારનું પક્ષી છે કે જે માત્ર વરસાદનું જ પાણી ટીપે ટીપે પીયે છે. અને વરસાદના આવે ત્યાં સુધી તર્સ્યો રેહવાનું પસંદ કરે છે.
More to come soon...
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Moments Filled With Life...
Moment when you laughed until tears came out of your eyes and stomach started to pain.
Moments when you finally find the home of that stranger beautiful girl after following her about whom you knew nothing.
Moment of your first mutually stared at that captivating opposite gender when you entered your youth.
Moment when your 3-4 years old child asked some silly question.
Moments of those late night talks with your soul-mate when time seemed to be far more slower then its regular pace.
Moments when you and your friend together sing your favorite songs while driving.
Moments when feel puzzled by the enthralling art made out of the clouds in the sky.
Moments of …”Abe yaar who ladki dekhi tune? Aaj to kya maal lag rahi thi…”
Moments when you mollify your daily problems by sipping a cup of tea with your favorite friend.
Moments when you uselessly try to stop the time so that you can stay longer with your love.
Moments when you lost your dearest person forever but still feel him/her to be with you always.
Moments when you again, again , again and again and again and again listen to your favorite song whose lyrics and tune takes you on the cloud nine.
Moments of drink-and-drive and enjoying cool wind.
Moments when someone leaves a comment on your blog:)
-----------------Contribution Through Comments----------------------
Moments when she is looking at you and suddenly you look at her....shunty
Moments when people are trying hard for interviews while we stand aside enjoying the tension unfolding in those anxious faces.Our only interruptions - All the best man ! Party aapje pachi...kunal
Moments when we reject a girl(so many times) for not fitting to our requiremnts even though we are still "single"....kunal
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Save It Once...
“No that’s okay” I said. I once again went back without taking the plastic bag the shopkeeper was offering me when I went to buy some items from the local provision store. The same thing I did whenever I had to go for some small purchase. Every time the merchant tried to get the plastic bag to put the item, I told “No Thanks” as these items were small and I could take them without the need of plastic bag. These consecutive experiences led me to the thought that has been touted by government and other organizations for public awareness. These all issues at last come to single point that is to save planet. Let the issue be ozone crack, petroleum shortage, water problem, deforestation, energy saving and plastic usage to name a few. Lots of money is being spent on publicizing these issues to make sure that it creates some public awareness. But it seems as there is very little effect, at least what I have observed till now. The most despairing thing about this is even educated people tend to behave as if they were some illiterates and were unaware of what was going around them. Neither I am asking for mulling over these issues all day and feel guilty of all the catastrophic situation around you nor I am telling you to be thrifty like Mahatma Gandhi was, who spent only those much amount of water that he needed, and nor I’m like Mahatma Gandhi. But what I ask for is at least not to waste if not use frugally. Science says “energy cannot be destroyed, nor can be created”. This can be a good excuse for those wasting energy right??!! But as they say “Its easy to destroy but hard to create something”. So think of the second thought when you are wasting that is created.
As the energy and other issues does not directly and immediately affect individual’s life they tend to use natural resources unwisely. And as it turns out that the hoardings of government have very little effect as compared to the hoardings of movie or some big sale in your favorite shopping mall. And apparent reason behind this is those things have direct impact on our lives but doing things like saving natural resources has no obvious benefit to us and so very few of us go for that. In my perspective and what I experienced is that there should be some inner incentive which will entice one to stop oneself while wasting energy. One feeling is beyond these daily lures put by advertising companies, who are exploiting psychological behavior of humans, for their own benefit .And that feeling is the satisfaction we get in return by helping our planet.
So what we can do? Simplest way to achieve this can be to try it out only once not even twice just once. Next time you are about to do something like leaving the tap open unnecessarily , keep your vehicle on while waiting for signal to go green, leave the light or fan of some room on, ask for a plastic bag when not needed at all, or anything like that, just stop yourself and make yourself aware. If that step is not inevitable then don’t do it. Just help the planet ones and experience the feeling that you get by doing this. Enjoy this feeling of satisfaction you are getting. That’s it. Next time even if you wish your soul won’t allow you to do so. There would be something pinching you from inside saying “Something wrong is going on” and then this sequence of doing good thing becomes perennial.
If only one of the readers of this post implements it in her/his life then this whole writing would be worthwhile.